A Hotel is a Facility where people of different purposes go to meet varying needs. Hotels fall under the Hospitality Industry.


SERVICES IN HOTELS: The following services are rendered in Hotels

  • Lodging and Accommodation
  • Restaurants Services ( Foods & Beverages)
  • Venue for Conferences, Meetings and Ceremonies
  • Swimming Services for Guests and other Patrons

There are two key elements that must be found in Hotels that provide food and drinks in addition to lodging Services. They are Courtesy and services.

                                                            WHO IS A GUEST?

Any person who presents himself/herself to the Hotelier or his agent or Servant, request for accommodation and is received or accepted by the Hotelier is a Guest.



  • A visitor of a Guest
  • An invited Guest to Management but not a Guest to the Hotel
  • An Employee
  • Contractors/ Supplier or their Representatives
  • Trespassers or other undesirable persons.


The following persons must not be allowed into the Hotel Facility

  • Prostitutes
  • Intoxicated persons. The exception here is that if the intoxicated person is a Guest of the hotel, then he must be escorted to his room.
  • Beggars
  • Demented people
  • Scavengers
  • Minors
  • Hawkers
  • Any identified criminal


  1. Hotels as a public place are open to all persons 24/7 except for reserved areas e.g. the Swimming Pool and the Gym.
  2. The nature of the business exposes Employees and others to food, drinks and sometimes cash.
  3. Guests stay for longer periods on the premises while some return very late into the Hotel.
  4. It is sometimes a target for terrorist activities against Tourists, Businessmen and Politicians.
  5. Available facilities sometimes attract undesirable elements.
  6. The presence of highly inflammable liquids and LP gas Installations on Site to serve the various segments of the Hotel facility.
  7. Pilferage of valuable items.
  8. Guests’ personal effects while in the Hotel.


  1. Protection of Hotel Property.
  2. Protection of Guests and their Properties.
  3. Internal Theft prevention.
  4. External Theft prevention.
  5. Access Control.
select a hotel with installed modern electronic guest room locks
Lock and Key Control for Guests


  • Lock and Key Control.
  • Guest room security.
  • Control of persons on premises.
  • Perimeter Control.
  • Assets protection (money on hand, guest assets, equipment).
  • Emergency procedures.
  • Security Records.


  1. Crime against the Guest generates negative publicity and damages the reputation of the Hotel.
  2. Protection of physical assets of towels, tableware, ashtrays, television, e.t.c


Access Control is the key of any Security Programme, thus Control will allow access to specific rooms, store, cabinet, open to the authorized person only. Access Control in Hotels is maintained through the following:

  • Keys and Locks combinations/Cross Bars, Gates e.t.c
  • Passwords
  • Guest Cards
  • Electronic Cards
  • Parking Slips or Disks
  • Employee ID Card
  • Official documentation such as delivery notes.

Therefore the Security on duty should ensure the followings:

  1. Know the exact category of persons and goods which may enter the property through the Access Point and what form of identification is required.
  2. Know the exact category of persons and goods which must exit the property at that Point and what form of identification and authorization that are required.
  3. Security must enforce the procedures at all times. No compromise. This is the most potent Point where loss prevention can be carried out.


This is a method by which losses of property assets are controlled. We have garbage raking tables to recover food, glassware, dishes, flatware which are either intentionally placed in garbage or incidentally.


  1. Check deliveries against delivery notes and purchase orders to determine short supplies and underweight supplies.
  2. Check all materials brought in to ascertain whether they were required by the hotel and vice versa.
  3. Check regularly all garbage bins to prevent unauthorized removal of food, either raw or prepared and vice versa.
  4. Ensure that all terminated Staff do not enter the Facility.
  5. Check ID Photographs and compare with the holder to ensure correct identity.
  6. No Staff vehicle must be allowed into the Back-of-the-house-area that is, loading /offloading area. If any is allowed, it must be searched before entry and exit from the area to prevent losses.

Traffic Safety: Keeping Safe behind the Wheel

download (5)The rate at which accidents occur in our society is surprising. It continues to be the leading cause of death. Driving requires full concentration and I’d say “calculation”, it brings with it tremendous responsibility to make right decisions while driving as well.

While drinking and driving is a great concern, it should not be the only distraction on the minds of drivers. Speeding, reckless driving, texting while driving, blasting music while driving and driving with multiple passengers also influence decision-making and can result in fatal outcomes.

Fortunately, motor vehicle crashes are preventable, and proven strategies can improve the safety of drivers on the road. Keeping us safe on the roadways every day is a collaborative effort that requires everyone working together. Therefore, obeying all traffic rules and regulations remain the only way to keep our roads safe.


download (4)
Social media

There has been report of Pictures and Videos leaking on the internet. Many people have complained of their private conversations, pictures and videos being posted out. This is the work of Hackers. Hackers have increased over time and are causing a lot of worry.

There have been several tips given to avoid such mishap. Here are a few to keep you and your data secure if your data has been compromised. Here is a quick rundown of the steps you need to follow to secure your online presence.



Something I found fascinating on Facebook is “Login Verification” and alerts but there are a bunch of additional options; one is setting trusted contacts (these are the people who can help you get access to your account if you get locked out) and you can see which browsers and apps you are signed in from.

One very useful feature you will find in the security settings page is ‘where you logged in’. That is, you forget to sign out on any device you last signed in. You can use this option to sign out from any devices- just click the link that says “End Activity”. If you head to the help page, Facebook offers a handy wizard- style security checkup that will show you old logins, let you sign out with one click, review your alerts and give you password tips.


 Instagram seem to be another platform where Hackers can easily gain access to your download (2)photos. You might not want everyone in the world to see and comment on your Instagram photos. If you want only those who follow you see your photos, there is a simple way you to make your Instagram account private, this includes sending your photos directly to a contact on your Instagram account even new followers will require approval from you.

The other security feature you should activate is Manual Photo Tagging. Go to the Instagram profile section and tap on the Photo of you which is the last icon below your bio, tap on the menu button on top right and select tagging options. Here you can enable ‘Add Manually’- this will prevent you from being tagged in unwanted photos.

You have given third- party apps access to your Instagram account. To manage these apps, you will need to login to Instagram on a computer and select ‘Edit Profile’. In the settings page that opens up, you will see Manage Applications section where you can revoke access for unwanted apps.

download (1)WHATSAPP

One of the best thing about WhatsApp now is the end- to –end encryption to secure your chats.

Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an Encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Believe me when I say NO ONE will be able to access your chats when encryption is on. Fortunately, encryption on WhatsApp is by default.

Unfortunately, the most common mishap is losing your phone. Anyone with the phone can impersonate you to extract funds from your contacts. He/She will have full access to your WhatsApp account which may include photo, videos, personal information and messages. To prevent this, lock WhatsApp with a PIN, mind you, third-party apps will be needed to do this.

In case of theft of phone with an unlocked WhatsApp account, get a new SIM immediately and use it to register with WhatsApp on another device, this will instantly deactivate WhatsApp on the other phone.



Apart from changing your password often, one of the easiest things you can do to secure download (3)your Twitter account is to use “Login Verification”.

Once you sign in to Twitter on a computer, from your profile icon drop down menu, click Settings and then Security & Privacy Settings.

Before you can use login verification, you will need to confirm your email ID.

You can use the iOS or Android app to complete the process. Once in a while, also head to Twitter’s settings page and click Apps. In the Apps, you can check which Apps and devices have access to your account.

Some may be from a couple of years ago on older devices, you should revoke access to the ones you no longer use or recognize.

There are other means of keeping your devices safe for example, phone trackers, back ups and most importantly,



Being someone born with what I’d like to call “curiosity of a cat ”, who likes to know what is at the other side of the door not minding my limit, even ignoring signs that any other person would adhere to; I have had to learn the hard way.

Military-ZoneMy neighbor is a retired Soldier who placed signs in front of his house saying, “Military Zone” and “Beware of dogs”. I would smock at the signs and walk by imagining what he could be hiding behind the walls. My curiosity got the better of me when I decided to wait outside his building to see if I could get a glimpse of what was hidden.

Signage is placed in areas not just to restrict your movement but also to protect you from harm. Remember telling a child that he cannot have something, his curiosity is pricked. He wants to know why and what would happen if he finally gets that wish. Its important you teach your children to obey all rule using signage.

Signages are there to act as Guards
signage are there to act as Guards

signage are signs or a system of signs used to show information about something (such as directions, road, restrictions, or happenings around you). They are referred to as indicators. However,

Signage protects your private property; by posting security signs that clearly state the security policies of your warehouse or facility. Security Signs act as an effective deterrent against theft, vandalism and other criminal activities in and around your business property. There are different security sign options, including security camera/surveillance signs, no trespassing signs, and they even come in bilingual security signs.

Establishments even use these signs to protect their property and workers from vandalism or unauthorized visitors using security signs. Security signs are posted around facilities to prominently display all of security policies.

They keep everyone alert, prepared and on guard. Security Signs clearly display the daily threat level.

imagesSecurity Signs are the perfect alternative when standard sign wording isn’t precise. You can customize your Security Signs by choosing a No Trespassing, Visitors, Private Property, Notice or using graphic pictures that represent your particular message. Security Signs are available in a variety of materials to suit your particular working environment, both indoors and out.

They are used to add unique security messages to any facility or situation




Inside your home

Safety in your home.
Safety in your home.
  • Ensure all windows are fitted with key-operated window locks.
  • Check that all windows and doors are locked before going to bed, leaving home, or spending time in your garden
  • Never leave keys in window or door locks. Keep them out of sight and away from doors, windows and letterboxes
  • Hide expensive equipment, such as mobile phones and laptops, from view. When installing a TV, try to position it so it’s difficult to see from the outside of your home
  • Keep your valuables in a safe place and out of sight
  • Take photos of your valuables and security mark them with your post code and house number. This can help deter thieves and can help the police to recover stolen items
  • Set a timer to switch your lights on and off at varying intervals when you’re out to make it look like someone is at home

Outside your home

  • Install a visible burglar alarm to make burglars think twice about targeting your home
  • Store garden tools and ladders securely in your shed or garage, as these can be used to break into your home
  • Make sure your property is well-lit and your garden is tidy so burglars don’t have anywhere to hide
  • Don’t hide a spare key outside as burglars know where to look

Going on holiday?

  • Use time controller plugs with your lamps to make your home look occupied.
  • Don’t talk about your holiday when you’re near strangers.
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property.
  • Remember to cancel any milk and newspaper deliveries.


Inside your home

Safety in your home.
Safety in your home.
  • Ensure all windows are fitted with key-operated window locks.
  • Check that all windows and doors are locked before going to bed, leaving home, or spending time in your garden
  • Never leave keys in window or door locks. Keep them out of sight and away from doors, windows and letterboxes
  • Hide expensive equipment, such as mobile phones and laptops, from view. When installing a TV, try to position it so it’s difficult to see from the outside of your home
  • Keep your valuables in a safe place and out of sight
  • Take photos of your valuables and security mark them with your post code and house number. This can help deter thieves and can help the police to recover stolen items
  • Set a timer to switch your lights on and off at varying intervals when you’re out to make it look like someone is at home

Outside your home

  • Install a visible burglar alarm to make burglars think twice about targeting your home
  • Store garden tools and ladders securely in your shed or garage, as these can be used to break into your home
  • Make sure your property is well-lit and your garden is tidy so burglars don’t have anywhere to hide
  • Don’t hide a spare key outside as burglars know where to look

Going on holiday?

  • Use time controller plugs with your lamps to make your home look occupied.
  • Don’t talk about your holiday when you’re near strangers.
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property.
  • Remember to cancel any milk and newspaper deliveries.


peepholePeepholes are not just there for fashion or only to make your door way look good, they are actually there to keep you safe. It lets you know who’s knocking at your door before you open it. Otherwise you might blindly open up – and plunge into the nightmare of a horrid person in this case, someone who could do more harm to you than good.

When a homeowner blindly opens the door to a criminal, invasion happens. Using a little caution can make a huge difference if you use these:


  • Insist that all family members always check before opening the door.
  • Locate it about five feet high from the indoor floor. Keep a step-stool nearby so kids can use it (and open the door only with your permission).
  • Insist on a deliveryman’s photo I.D. from his employer pressed to your window.
  • Know that some criminals block your view with their hand or stand out of sight, hoping to fool you into opening anyway.
  • Also use a doorbell intercom for all exterior doors to more easily talk with visitors (or just listen to them making plans) without opening your door.peephole2

It would also be great if you had

Door-chains (“chain-locks” or “chain door interviewers”) are too weak to protect you. They allow partial door opening to “interview” a visitor, BUT they’re far too flimsy to stop a kick-in or an aggressive.


Trust your Intuition, the first is always right.
Trust your Intuition, the first is always right.

My gut tells me everything I need to know”

Everybody has Intuition, but do we all make use of it? Intuition is your early-warning alarm to detect criminal minds scheming to entrap you or anyone around you. It is your inborn Radar, it tells you what to do and what not, where to go or not. Some people even call it a subtle voice speaking to you. It could be termed as your very own crystal ball.

The human brain, which is considered as nature’s most complex creation must first of all ensure its own survival. Thus, its early-warning-system – intuition – is its most sophisticated function. This is why it is ruled as the all-powerful survival instinct which detects criminal minds.

It senses without rational thinking – it guesses or feels with a “sixth sense.” The subconscious mind constantly evaluates millions of bits of information, detects subtle conflicts within patterns of what is happening around you, and alerts the conscious mind when something is awry. We call this awesomely complex process our gut feelings, suspicions, or hunches. It saves us great deal of pain. Humans tend to see and hear what they want to see and hear!

Unfortunately, our Intuition is usually ignored when friendly predators, skilled in the art of deception, coerce and entice you into traps. Your ultimate alarm – already shyly quiet – gets shushed down as mere silliness.


We tend to cling to our first impression of a stranger and ignore clues that say otherwise especially if it’s a common friend that recommends the stranger ­ (as though the friend knows for sure). We also tend to trust strangers who “seem” normal – forgetting that dangerous predators are experts at seeming normal.

Worse, we also tend to assume that other people share our values and beliefs, that is, you don’t want to hurt others, so others don’t want to hurt you. That makes you gullible –a tool for a smooth-talking, innocent-looking predator – despite warnings from your intuition. All these tendencies set us up for a disastrous mistake.

Please do take note that your Intuition is not 100% accurate but it’s still a great tool.

Nonetheless, just as a smoke detector may sometimes give a false alarm, after ignoring this alarm once, only a fool would ignore it in the future. It’s a lifesaver IF we pay close attention.

Remember, Predators usually don’t look dangerous (they’re experts at looking normal) and they’re masterful liars.

LISTEN to your intuition and honor your doubts!

Homeland Security begins with homeland safety. Security is a shared responsibility, and each citizen has a role in identifying and reporting suspicious activities. Your Community is safer when you are engaged and alert.