Category Archives: Uncategorized

Traffic Safety: Keeping Safe behind the Wheel

download (5)The rate at which accidents occur in our society is surprising. It continues to be the leading cause of death. Driving requires full concentration and I’d say “calculation”, it brings with it tremendous responsibility to make right decisions while driving as well.

While drinking and driving is a great concern, it should not be the only distraction on the minds of drivers. Speeding, reckless driving, texting while driving, blasting music while driving and driving with multiple passengers also influence decision-making and can result in fatal outcomes.

Fortunately, motor vehicle crashes are preventable, and proven strategies can improve the safety of drivers on the road. Keeping us safe on the roadways every day is a collaborative effort that requires everyone working together. Therefore, obeying all traffic rules and regulations remain the only way to keep our roads safe.


You would not want to be caught unaware…….. would you?


Street_robberyOkay, so the other day knowing the way our traffic is in Nigeria, a friend left home as early as possible on Monday morning, only for her to call to say she was attacked while she trekked to her workplace after alighting from the bus she boarded. She stated that her bag was collected which had her new phone, her purse with her ‘little makeup kit for work’.

You should avoid walking alone You should avoid walking alone

These sort of attack has become so frequent, another was a lady who worked in a prominent Organization, she was attacked and killed; this time by a neighbor. Seeing all these, I think its time we (especially women) stand up and fight. Fortunately, Women are considered to be weak; this is where they have an edge. In a Society where women do not take self- defense tactics which could help them survive a delicate situation, self- defense…

View original post 450 more words


Don’t keep quiet, when you see something, say something to save lives

The National “if you see something, say something” campaign was developed to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, also to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to proper authorities.

Police and Security forces are hard at work, but public safety is the responsibility of all individuals. The participation of ordinary citizens is an integral part of our homeland security efforts. you know your everyday surroundings best; neighborhoods,work places, schools, parks and transportation systems, and chances are you will notice when something seems strange or out of place. Be alert for suspicious behavior including abandoned vehicles, unauthorized individuals, strange packages or unusual odors.

Additionally, all employees need to be alert for potential risks at their work places. strange behaviour or suspicious activity should be reported to proper authorities immediately. if you see something, say something!

image of Operatives being trained


A Thief looks like and can be anybody. yes, I mean ANYBODY. Who could the Thief be? it could be someone off the street, a legitimate visitor or even an employee.

A Thief can be anyone!

A Thief is an opportunist!

A Thief wants to be quick!

Everyone can help reduce the chances of theft occurring in the work place by employing these basic practices on a daily basis:

  1. Do not invite just anybody to your home.
  2. If you would be having guests staying over, ensure you let one or two people be aware (especially if you live in a rented apartment).
  3. Never leave packages near doorways, lobbies, in conference rooms, cafeterias, rest rooms, on desks, etc.
  4. When walking on the Street, be conscious of your bag or purses. Some people are always careless when at bus stops that they are are not aware of their bags being ransacked even when they are mistakenly elbowed.
  5. Do not be distracted by any event or commotion that you’d want to see for yourself whats causing the raucous.
  6. Pay attention to people who do not belong in the areas where you stay or work and inform the right authority.
  7. Report suspicious people or activity to SECURITY immediately. Give your name, department, phone extension, the location of the suspicious person and a description.
  8. Be discreet. Never advertise plans for being away to visitors you do not know or people calling your phone.
  9. Report broken or flickering lights, dimly corridors, doors and windows that are broken or don not close or lock properly. Don’t assume someone else will do it.
  10. Finally, avoid opening your house gates too wide even when there’s no one coming or going through it.



office Security Systems is as important as making sure your life’s hard work is not flushed away. Just as you place more value to employing Guards to monitor all suspicious persons/activity or protection, it is paramount that you place such also to Security Gadgets installed in your work environment. Here are some of the recommended security systems you must ensure are updated and serviced frequently.

  • A Monitoring Alarm System: this will aid in contacting a call center if the alarm is triggered, and the call center will call the police.
  • An Unmonitored System sets off an alarm inside and outside when it is triggered, and can come complete with flashing or steady floodlights to call even more attention to the situation. This usually would have the advantage of scaring off burglars.
  • A Wireless Alarm System operates with cameras, sensors and motion detectors and can also have an alarm and flashing lights. it is absolutely inexpensive and may be perfect for the small business, at least as a starter system.
  • Systems designed for the outside of buildings incorporating motion detection with lights that come on and a loud alarm that Security-Operatorssounds when a particular motion is detected.

    Wireless-pir-sensor-motion-detector-gsm-alarm. Inexpensive and can easily be monitored.
    Inexpensive and can easily be monitored.


Working 24hrs a day takes its tole on the human body; but that does not serve as an excuse to allow your important documents be tampered with or leaked to the public. here are steps to take in order to avoid such;

  • Lock and secure your desk and office when away, even if its for just a minute.
  • Keep small valuables (wallets & purses) out of sight in a closed and locked desk or file cabinet.
  • Lock computers, laptops and similar office equipment with codes or lock it to the desk or table top with some type of security device.
  • If you have to work late at night,  avoid working alone. keep all doors between you and the public closed and locked after -hours or when appropriate.
  • When leaving work during the hours of darkness, you need an escort like an Operative to walk you to your vehicle.
  • if you are entrusted with keys or CARDKEY access card, avoid loaning it to anyone. Keys and Cardkeys can be easily lost, stolen or misused.
  • Report all suspicious persons or activity to the right authorities.
  • Ask to see Identity cards of people who claim to be vendors or repair men.
    lock all files
    lock all files
    caution when strangers come into the office area
    caution when strangers come into the office area
    Endeavor to lock your computers,laptops and every similar office equipment
    Endeavor to lock your computers,laptops and every similar office equipment

    card keys access card
    card keys access card