Category Archives: PERSONAL SAFETY

Traffic Safety: Keeping Safe behind the Wheel

download (5)The rate at which accidents occur in our society is surprising. It continues to be the leading cause of death. Driving requires full concentration and I’d say “calculation”, it brings with it tremendous responsibility to make right decisions while driving as well.

While drinking and driving is a great concern, it should not be the only distraction on the minds of drivers. Speeding, reckless driving, texting while driving, blasting music while driving and driving with multiple passengers also influence decision-making and can result in fatal outcomes.

Fortunately, motor vehicle crashes are preventable, and proven strategies can improve the safety of drivers on the road. Keeping us safe on the roadways every day is a collaborative effort that requires everyone working together. Therefore, obeying all traffic rules and regulations remain the only way to keep our roads safe.


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Social media

There has been report of Pictures and Videos leaking on the internet. Many people have complained of their private conversations, pictures and videos being posted out. This is the work of Hackers. Hackers have increased over time and are causing a lot of worry.

There have been several tips given to avoid such mishap. Here are a few to keep you and your data secure if your data has been compromised. Here is a quick rundown of the steps you need to follow to secure your online presence.



Something I found fascinating on Facebook is “Login Verification” and alerts but there are a bunch of additional options; one is setting trusted contacts (these are the people who can help you get access to your account if you get locked out) and you can see which browsers and apps you are signed in from.

One very useful feature you will find in the security settings page is ‘where you logged in’. That is, you forget to sign out on any device you last signed in. You can use this option to sign out from any devices- just click the link that says “End Activity”. If you head to the help page, Facebook offers a handy wizard- style security checkup that will show you old logins, let you sign out with one click, review your alerts and give you password tips.


 Instagram seem to be another platform where Hackers can easily gain access to your download (2)photos. You might not want everyone in the world to see and comment on your Instagram photos. If you want only those who follow you see your photos, there is a simple way you to make your Instagram account private, this includes sending your photos directly to a contact on your Instagram account even new followers will require approval from you.

The other security feature you should activate is Manual Photo Tagging. Go to the Instagram profile section and tap on the Photo of you which is the last icon below your bio, tap on the menu button on top right and select tagging options. Here you can enable ‘Add Manually’- this will prevent you from being tagged in unwanted photos.

You have given third- party apps access to your Instagram account. To manage these apps, you will need to login to Instagram on a computer and select ‘Edit Profile’. In the settings page that opens up, you will see Manage Applications section where you can revoke access for unwanted apps.

download (1)WHATSAPP

One of the best thing about WhatsApp now is the end- to –end encryption to secure your chats.

Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an Encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Believe me when I say NO ONE will be able to access your chats when encryption is on. Fortunately, encryption on WhatsApp is by default.

Unfortunately, the most common mishap is losing your phone. Anyone with the phone can impersonate you to extract funds from your contacts. He/She will have full access to your WhatsApp account which may include photo, videos, personal information and messages. To prevent this, lock WhatsApp with a PIN, mind you, third-party apps will be needed to do this.

In case of theft of phone with an unlocked WhatsApp account, get a new SIM immediately and use it to register with WhatsApp on another device, this will instantly deactivate WhatsApp on the other phone.



Apart from changing your password often, one of the easiest things you can do to secure download (3)your Twitter account is to use “Login Verification”.

Once you sign in to Twitter on a computer, from your profile icon drop down menu, click Settings and then Security & Privacy Settings.

Before you can use login verification, you will need to confirm your email ID.

You can use the iOS or Android app to complete the process. Once in a while, also head to Twitter’s settings page and click Apps. In the Apps, you can check which Apps and devices have access to your account.

Some may be from a couple of years ago on older devices, you should revoke access to the ones you no longer use or recognize.

There are other means of keeping your devices safe for example, phone trackers, back ups and most importantly,



Being someone born with what I’d like to call “curiosity of a cat ”, who likes to know what is at the other side of the door not minding my limit, even ignoring signs that any other person would adhere to; I have had to learn the hard way.

Military-ZoneMy neighbor is a retired Soldier who placed signs in front of his house saying, “Military Zone” and “Beware of dogs”. I would smock at the signs and walk by imagining what he could be hiding behind the walls. My curiosity got the better of me when I decided to wait outside his building to see if I could get a glimpse of what was hidden.

Signage is placed in areas not just to restrict your movement but also to protect you from harm. Remember telling a child that he cannot have something, his curiosity is pricked. He wants to know why and what would happen if he finally gets that wish. Its important you teach your children to obey all rule using signage.

Signages are there to act as Guards
signage are there to act as Guards

signage are signs or a system of signs used to show information about something (such as directions, road, restrictions, or happenings around you). They are referred to as indicators. However,

Signage protects your private property; by posting security signs that clearly state the security policies of your warehouse or facility. Security Signs act as an effective deterrent against theft, vandalism and other criminal activities in and around your business property. There are different security sign options, including security camera/surveillance signs, no trespassing signs, and they even come in bilingual security signs.

Establishments even use these signs to protect their property and workers from vandalism or unauthorized visitors using security signs. Security signs are posted around facilities to prominently display all of security policies.

They keep everyone alert, prepared and on guard. Security Signs clearly display the daily threat level.

imagesSecurity Signs are the perfect alternative when standard sign wording isn’t precise. You can customize your Security Signs by choosing a No Trespassing, Visitors, Private Property, Notice or using graphic pictures that represent your particular message. Security Signs are available in a variety of materials to suit your particular working environment, both indoors and out.

They are used to add unique security messages to any facility or situation




Inside your home

Safety in your home.
Safety in your home.
  • Ensure all windows are fitted with key-operated window locks.
  • Check that all windows and doors are locked before going to bed, leaving home, or spending time in your garden
  • Never leave keys in window or door locks. Keep them out of sight and away from doors, windows and letterboxes
  • Hide expensive equipment, such as mobile phones and laptops, from view. When installing a TV, try to position it so it’s difficult to see from the outside of your home
  • Keep your valuables in a safe place and out of sight
  • Take photos of your valuables and security mark them with your post code and house number. This can help deter thieves and can help the police to recover stolen items
  • Set a timer to switch your lights on and off at varying intervals when you’re out to make it look like someone is at home

Outside your home

  • Install a visible burglar alarm to make burglars think twice about targeting your home
  • Store garden tools and ladders securely in your shed or garage, as these can be used to break into your home
  • Make sure your property is well-lit and your garden is tidy so burglars don’t have anywhere to hide
  • Don’t hide a spare key outside as burglars know where to look

Going on holiday?

  • Use time controller plugs with your lamps to make your home look occupied.
  • Don’t talk about your holiday when you’re near strangers.
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property.
  • Remember to cancel any milk and newspaper deliveries.


Inside your home

Safety in your home.
Safety in your home.
  • Ensure all windows are fitted with key-operated window locks.
  • Check that all windows and doors are locked before going to bed, leaving home, or spending time in your garden
  • Never leave keys in window or door locks. Keep them out of sight and away from doors, windows and letterboxes
  • Hide expensive equipment, such as mobile phones and laptops, from view. When installing a TV, try to position it so it’s difficult to see from the outside of your home
  • Keep your valuables in a safe place and out of sight
  • Take photos of your valuables and security mark them with your post code and house number. This can help deter thieves and can help the police to recover stolen items
  • Set a timer to switch your lights on and off at varying intervals when you’re out to make it look like someone is at home

Outside your home

  • Install a visible burglar alarm to make burglars think twice about targeting your home
  • Store garden tools and ladders securely in your shed or garage, as these can be used to break into your home
  • Make sure your property is well-lit and your garden is tidy so burglars don’t have anywhere to hide
  • Don’t hide a spare key outside as burglars know where to look

Going on holiday?

  • Use time controller plugs with your lamps to make your home look occupied.
  • Don’t talk about your holiday when you’re near strangers.
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property.
  • Remember to cancel any milk and newspaper deliveries.


street crimStreet Crime is referred to as the Crime that happens on the Street of any Community.

Naturally, the “Street” is considered as “No Man’s” land, “Every man for himself”. It’s best if you are equipped with information on how to escape such situations unhurt. And better, if you have Personal Security Alarm like a Screamer or Pepper Spray.

You should avoid walking aloneStreet Crime can happen anywhere – even on one of the quietest blocks in town. This is to tell you that no one is immune to one form of attack or the other, how you handle the situation is up to you. One fact is that you can be attacked where or when you least expect. It’s just best if you do not have the “Startle factor”.

The “Startle Factor”- this is when an individual is lost in thought and suddenly when chaos erupts, he is expected to run or do something – he freezes. This is usually the case when you are caught unawares and turns out you are in the line of fire and you feel confused.

One of such dangerous situation is when a street crime suddenly happens, you are left vulnerable. All you have at that moment is your wit. You need to quickly think on your two feet and strategize and avoid being attacked.

Here are however, some tricks to get you along before help comes:

  1. Posturing:        Present yourself as a tough target. If that doesn’t work,
  2. Fleeing:           The most obvious choice might not be possible. If not,
  3. Outsmarting:   By talking your way out and maneuvering toward escape. If that doesn’t work,
  4. Surrendering: and hoping for a predator’s mercy to let you live; or preferably as a trick leading to a sudden    escape,perhaps aided by:
  5. Fighting:          Like a mad dog for your escape. Stun & run.

The panicky chaos of a sudden threat forces you to choose an option in a split-second. Still, understanding your options now will help your Intuition choose an option then.


When you hear footstep behind you
When you hear footstep behind you

Humans tend to subconsciously spot danger, even when we try to ignore them. How we end up after spotting it is what truly matters. However, things we see around us and we ignore might turn out to be what saves us.


I have heard people say danger lurks at every corner, here are some signs you just might need to be conscious of:

  • Matches your moves: You could be walking and you hear or notice footsteps match yours. The footsteps stops and goes when you do, then you should be aware that you are being followed.
  • When you decide to face the danger and he challenges you, by asking you questions like, “what you are looking at, what did you say, why did you stop”. Then you should know he is about to get violent.
  • One thing you should note is that, no one with a weapon makes it visible for you to know you would be attacked. When you notice something bulging and his hands are not visible for you to see be wise and stay on the alert.
  • When two people approach you from different direction and you seem to be in the middle with no way of escape, then, you should find a way to move from that position cause you could easily be abducted that way with no witness to see what happens to you.
  • That’s why it is advisable that you do not get distracted while on the road. When you notice a group of people walking towards you and they suddenly split that should be a cause for suspicion or someone crosses the road and suddenly intercepts you.
  • Watch out when someone walks towards you and he reaches for something in his pocket.

Due to the frequent attacks by terrorists, we tend to see things and think they do not mean anything. However, there are ways you know when a terrorist targets a location which is usually a public place.


  • When you notice someone taking notes or photographing a location. I know you would say what if, they were researchers? Well, researchers usually have documents giving them permission to research a particular place or the other.
  • When someone keeps pestering you for information without genuine reason.
  • When someone comes in with packages and leaves it behind. They usually target public places and then leave their packages or bag behind.

If you notice the above, its better you notify the Police and in some cases other Security Personnel. But before you do that,

  • Ensure you move away from the place the package was left.
  • Remember descriptions either of plate numbers, type of car, description of the individual and what he/ she said to you “if” he did.

Outsmarting the Smart


Predators use selective honesty and partial truths, play dumb, and get victims to “play with the cards he deals.” However, the reverse is true as well. You can be selectively honest, play dumb, and refuse to play with his cards. Mix truth and lies together.


Usually, before a criminal takes any step, he assesses his environment especially the victim. He at times asks questions likes, “do you have a match, cigarette or a piece of gum, do you know the directions to wherever?” to be on a safe side, just say “NO”. While I am not saying anyone who is nice to you is up to no good, you just need to be cautious; while answering his questions, make momentary eye contact. Never show how scared or vulnerable you might be.

  • Keep an air of aloofness. Keep him in your peripheral vision while perhaps sticking your hand ominously into a pocket, waistband, or lapel and leaving it there – as though you have a weapon readied. If he calls your bluff by escalating to robbery anyway, tell him you’ll slowly hand him your money.  Then slowly hand him your money, and instantly flee to safety.

I want you to know this, a criminal’s “conversation” is a test. Tough targets tend not to be selected as a victim. It doesn’t matter if you’re considered rude.

  • I once heard someone say, it’s better if you see that you are about to lose it, do not let him come near. Take an aggressive stance, raise a hand in a “Stop!” gesture, and fiercely tell him to “Stop!” If he persists, you’ll have more chance to flee before he gets near.
  • Most times, what leads to attacks from an unknown person is misconception on his part. This might lead him to attack you. Someone once told me that to free yourself; you need to treat your “victimizer” with respect. If you treat him with respect, it might be harder for him to personalize and attack you.
    Rather than argue and dictate your wishes to him – ask him what he wants. Not that you’ll necessarily grant his wishes, but you may discover a compromise or solution. Of course, never trust his promises.
  • Appeal to his pride. Act like you expect him to behave honorably.
  • You’d even be surprised that some of this people are religious, redeem yourself by praying out loud.

I once noticed someone following me on my way to church and the next action that came to mind was, I took my phone and acted like I was speaking to someone while looking round and shouting, “where are you, you can see me, well, I can see you too. You are right behind me” I said this, while keeping a safe distance. “I will meet you now” After saying this, I made sure I was behind him instead of vice versa.

You can do best by fleeing. surrendering, or fighting. YOU CHOOSE


Street_robberyOkay, so the other day knowing the way our traffic is in Nigeria, a friend left home as early as possible on Monday morning, only for her to call to say she was attacked while she trekked to her workplace after alighting from the bus she boarded. She stated that her bag was collected which had her new phone, her purse with her ‘little makeup kit for work’.

You should avoid walking alone
You should avoid walking alone

These sort of attack has become so frequent, another was a lady who worked in a prominent Organization, she was attacked and killed; this time by a neighbor. Seeing all these, I think its time we (especially women) stand up and fight. Fortunately, Women are considered to be weak; this is where they have an edge. In a Society where women do not take self- defense tactics which could help them survive a delicate situation, self- defense should be taken seriously and taught in schools and organizations.women_safety_tips

However, these are Primary precautions to be taken:

  • When walking, be aware of those around you. If someone has been following you for quite a while, be suspicious.
  • Avoid walking with large bags, backpacks or luggage. These items can be a target for pickpockets and thieves. Additionally, fumbling with bags can also distract you from traffic.
  • If walking in the evening hours, try not to walk alone. Take a friend along.
  • Keep your purse, wallet, keys, or other valuables with you at all time or locked in a drawer or closet.
  • Check the identity of any stranger who might be in your office. If anyone makes you uncomfortable, inform security or management immediately.
  • Don’t stay late if you’ll be alone in the office. Create a buddy system for walking to parking lots or public transportation after hours, or ask a security guard to escort you.
  • Report any broken or flickering lights, dimly lit corridors, broken windows, and doors that don’t lock properly.
  • If you notice signs of potential violence in a fellow employee, report this to the appropriate person. Immediately report any incidents of sexual harassment.
  • Know your company’s emergency plan. If your company does not have such a plan, volunteer to help develop one.
  • If the company does not supply an emergency kit, keep your own emergency supplies (flashlight, walking shoes, water bottle, nonperishable food, etc.) in a desk drawer.
  • If you work at home, in addition to making your home safe and secure, you should hang window treatments that obstruct the view into your office. You don’t want to advertise your expensive office equipment.
  • Review your insurance policy—almost all policies require an extra rider to cover a home office.
  • Mark your equipment with identification numbers, and keep an updated inventory list (with photos, if possible) in a home safe or a bank safe-deposit box. It’s a good idea to keep backups of your work in a secure, separate location as well.
  • Follow the same caution with deliveries and pickups that businesses do. Anyone making a delivery to your home office should be properly identified before you open the door. Do not let the person enter your home. If you own the company, take a hard look at your business—physical layout, employees, hiring practices, operating procedures, and special security risks. Assess the company’s vulnerability to all kinds of crime, from burglary to embezzlement. Follow basic crime prevention principles, and work with local law enforcement to protect your business.
  • Visit or call 08135269876 for more info on our security services.
  • Would you rather start the new business year with us? Call today on 08135269876 for security services that works.

ELECTRICAL SAFETY…………keeping your family safe from harm

ELECTRICAL SAFETY…………keeping your family safe from harm.

Electricity is all around us.

A lot of activity and major services like communication and industrial services especially for an economy that believes much on industrial businesses would stop without electricity. The most important is Households that would suffer badly when power supply stops. Fortunately, with the advent of electricity, life in hot regions is bearable. Hence.

For instance in Nigeria, when a lady is preparing for marriage and making a home, the first thing that pops to her head is having enough appliances to  make her life easier. On any given day, it’s likely that most people use several different electrical appliances.

Every modern home can not do without electrical appliances.
Every modern home can not do without electrical appliances.

With electric appliances being so common in modern homes, it’s easy to forget that there are very real risks and hazards associated with their use. Take the time to brush up on safe usage of the appliances and make sure that everyone in your home is aware of them in order to prevent unnecessary exposure to hazards and safety risks.

Electrical Safety Tips


Being safe when using electrical appliances, extension cords, light bulbs and other equipment is easy, and safety tips should be included in household rules, teach everyone in your home-fire safety. Note, daily routine check up on the use of electrical gadgets ensures safe operation, this is to avoid prevent unnecessary exposure to hazards and safety risks.

It only takes one mistake to spark an electrical fire, but simple prevention measures can be effective solutions.

Unplug unused appliances

Appliances are an integral part of every household, from a simple electric clock to the microwave oven. These safety tips can help keep all appliances operating safely:

  • Unplug unused appliances and stow cords safely out of reach of pets, young children or hazardous situations. Even little children and cables are not a safe combination, you’ve got some cable management to do! Many parents cover unused outlets to protect their children from shock, but precautions shouldn’t end there. Just as there’s a risk of kids sticking fingers or sharp objects into electrical receptacles, there are also less-obvious dangers that come from small children chewing, tripping and pulling on household cables. One of the easiest ways to protect your children from cable-related harm is to lift cords off the floor and out of their reach! With adhesive-backed cable clips, cords can easily be routed around door frames, run behind furniture, and secured against higher surfaces. Another is surface raceway, the perfect solution for containing and disguising cable runs between your electronics and power outlets.blub_378x235_1
  • Appliances that generate heat, such as clocks, televisions and computer monitors, should be given several inches of clearance all around for good air circulation and cooling. Do not drape clothes, toys or other items over warm appliances.
  • Always follow appliance instructions carefully, and do not attempt amateur repairs or upgrades.
  • Keep all electrical appliances away from water such as sinks, bathtubs, pools or overhead vents that may drip.
  • Do not operate any electrical appliance with wet hands or while standing in water.
  • Keep clothes, curtains, toys and other potentially combustible materials at away from radiators, space heaters, heating vents and other heat sources.
  • Every electrical appliance has a cord, and many homes use extension cords to increase the range of electrical outlets.
    Check cords regularly for frays, cracks or kinks, including power tool cords, holiday lights and extension cords.