Tag Archives: signage


Being someone born with what I’d like to call “curiosity of a cat ”, who likes to know what is at the other side of the door not minding my limit, even ignoring signs that any other person would adhere to; I have had to learn the hard way.

Military-ZoneMy neighbor is a retired Soldier who placed signs in front of his house saying, “Military Zone” and “Beware of dogs”. I would smock at the signs and walk by imagining what he could be hiding behind the walls. My curiosity got the better of me when I decided to wait outside his building to see if I could get a glimpse of what was hidden.

Signage is placed in areas not just to restrict your movement but also to protect you from harm. Remember telling a child that he cannot have something, his curiosity is pricked. He wants to know why and what would happen if he finally gets that wish. Its important you teach your children to obey all rule using signage.

Signages are there to act as Guards
signage are there to act as Guards

signage are signs or a system of signs used to show information about something (such as directions, road, restrictions, or happenings around you). They are referred to as indicators. However,

Signage protects your private property; by posting security signs that clearly state the security policies of your warehouse or facility. Security Signs act as an effective deterrent against theft, vandalism and other criminal activities in and around your business property. There are different security sign options, including security camera/surveillance signs, no trespassing signs, and they even come in bilingual security signs.

Establishments even use these signs to protect their property and workers from vandalism or unauthorized visitors using security signs. Security signs are posted around facilities to prominently display all of security policies.

They keep everyone alert, prepared and on guard. Security Signs clearly display the daily threat level.

imagesSecurity Signs are the perfect alternative when standard sign wording isn’t precise. You can customize your Security Signs by choosing a No Trespassing, Visitors, Private Property, Notice or using graphic pictures that represent your particular message. Security Signs are available in a variety of materials to suit your particular working environment, both indoors and out.

They are used to add unique security messages to any facility or situation