Tag Archives: survival


Trust your Intuition, the first is always right.
Trust your Intuition, the first is always right.

My gut tells me everything I need to know”

Everybody has Intuition, but do we all make use of it? Intuition is your early-warning alarm to detect criminal minds scheming to entrap you or anyone around you. It is your inborn Radar, it tells you what to do and what not, where to go or not. Some people even call it a subtle voice speaking to you. It could be termed as your very own crystal ball.

The human brain, which is considered as nature’s most complex creation must first of all ensure its own survival. Thus, its early-warning-system – intuition – is its most sophisticated function. This is why it is ruled as the all-powerful survival instinct which detects criminal minds.

It senses without rational thinking – it guesses or feels with a “sixth sense.” The subconscious mind constantly evaluates millions of bits of information, detects subtle conflicts within patterns of what is happening around you, and alerts the conscious mind when something is awry. We call this awesomely complex process our gut feelings, suspicions, or hunches. It saves us great deal of pain. Humans tend to see and hear what they want to see and hear!

Unfortunately, our Intuition is usually ignored when friendly predators, skilled in the art of deception, coerce and entice you into traps. Your ultimate alarm – already shyly quiet – gets shushed down as mere silliness.


We tend to cling to our first impression of a stranger and ignore clues that say otherwise especially if it’s a common friend that recommends the stranger ­ (as though the friend knows for sure). We also tend to trust strangers who “seem” normal – forgetting that dangerous predators are experts at seeming normal.

Worse, we also tend to assume that other people share our values and beliefs, that is, you don’t want to hurt others, so others don’t want to hurt you. That makes you gullible –a tool for a smooth-talking, innocent-looking predator – despite warnings from your intuition. All these tendencies set us up for a disastrous mistake.

Please do take note that your Intuition is not 100% accurate but it’s still a great tool.

Nonetheless, just as a smoke detector may sometimes give a false alarm, after ignoring this alarm once, only a fool would ignore it in the future. It’s a lifesaver IF we pay close attention.

Remember, Predators usually don’t look dangerous (they’re experts at looking normal) and they’re masterful liars.

LISTEN to your intuition and honor your doubts!